Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Schoolhouse Blacks & Blues

Dear Wynne,
My 5-year old son was suspended for "fighting" with another kid in his class. This was a first offense and no one was injured. Since when is a school-yard scuffle means for a suspension? What ever happened to sending a kid to the principal's office? When I was in school that was more dreaded than going home to face dad and his belt! Any words of wisdom for when I go let the school know exactly what I think about this situation?

Kindergarten Mom
Wakeeney, KS

Dear Kindergarten,
Did your kid win? Cause if he lost I would keep my mouth shut and take him to some karate classes - he needs to man-up before he enters the first grade. However, if he won, be sure to rip the school board a new one for being lazy asses and not teaching your kid right from wrong. That's their job, you know. Parents don't have any responsibilities these days, so yes, blame the teacher, blame the school, blame the district -- but most importantly blame the other kid. "He started it!! He started it!!!"


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